Solutions for Water Drainage Issues

Rain Rich has many solutions to help you solve any water drainage issues you may have on your Long Island home or property. This winter has been one of the most challenging in many years due to all the frequent snow storms and cold weather. As I write this there is still two feet of the snow on the ground and plenty on my roof! The weather calls for moderate temperatures the next few days and much of that snow will be melting and going somewhere and hopefully not into your home or basement! There are several ways to help prevent water from accumulating around your home and possibly inside. These include the following:

  1. Install connection to gutters & leaders and help divert water from roof into piping system and away from home.
  2. Install landscape drainage system with catch basins, trench drains, French drains, and drywells to catch excess water and divert into piping system away from home.
  3. Install a drywell to catch all diverted water and have a place for water to drain safely into ground.
  4. Rain garden. A low area on property that is landscaped and able to handle excess water through gravity, from around home and pathways and safely and environmentally compatible to disperse accumulated water.landscape-drainage
  5. Grade soil around home so that it slopes away from foundation of home and helps move water away.
  6. Cover all window wells.
  7. Install water alarm system in basement and crawl spaces to notify you of a leak.
  8. Frequently check foundation for cracks and leaks often and repair with hydraulic actuated cement.
  9. If possible, shovel snow away from home.

Let Rain Rich experts help you with your Long Island water drainage issues. For more information or to schedule a visit click here or call 631-423-2211.