Many clients ask when is the right time to winterize a sprinkler system on Long Island. If you have an established lawn and landscape then Rain Rich Sprinklers recommends between now and Thanksgiving.

Most lawns, shrubs, and trees are no longer in the growing process and do not require regular watering. Additionally, the days are much cooler with much less sunlight allowing soil to hold its moisture and make available. On average we receive one –two days of rain per week providing sufficient water for all the plant requirements. Overwatering depletes the soil of valuable nutrients and actually does more harm than good. If you must water then program your controller for 50% less water than you would during the summer. Reduce the frequency to one or two days per week. Be aware that it can get pretty cold at night and dip below freezing. If freezing weather is in the forecast then program the controller to “off”.


It is very important that you have your irrigation system winterized as water in the sprinkler equipment e.g. sprinkler heads, valves, pipes, fittings, and backflow devices can freeze. When water freezes it expands and is powerful enough to do severe damage to your irrigation equipment. Winterizing your system now will prevent costly repairs the following spring.

The best way to prevent breakage is to purge your system of water. To purge your system of water it is important to close the main sprinkler supply valve and push the water out through the sprinkler heads with compressed air. Rain Rich Sprinklers has all the proper equipment and trained technicians to provide this important service. For over 39 years Rain Rich has successfully winterized thousands of sprinkler systems.

Now is the best time to call our office and arrange your appointment. Please call our office at 631-423-2211 and arrange a convenient time. You can also connect with us at or click here.