By now you are seeing the effects of hot dry weather on your lawn and landscape. Brown patches here and suffering plants there. Our turf is categorized as cool weather grasses which means they do well in the spring and fall when the weather is cool and suffer when the weather is hot.

We are into our third week of brutally hot weather and along with high humidity your lawn is suffering. To combat the effects a very good watering management technique is to syringe your lawn during the heat of the day to cool the plants down and lower their stress. The water that comes from our aquifer is 54 degrees Fahrenheit and that’s plenty cool and your lawn will love you for it. Golf courses practice this technique all the time and it works very well for them so try it at home.

To do so you will need to set up a separate program on your controller and set the run times for 15 minutes a zone for rotary sprinklers and 5 minutes for spray sprinklers. Set the start time for early afternoon and let the program cycle through. Only run this program during extreme heat of for example 85 degrees and more.

Some of you may live in areas that do not allow watering during the middle of the day e.g. Nassau County. If that’s the case then set the program to run after 4pm. Also, one other note, it is a myth that watering during the day will burn the leaves of your plants! If the leaves burn, then maybe there is too much chlorine in the water and that’s another issue that you may have to address by filtering the water supplied by your water supplier.

Too learn more about watering techniques and ideas how to keep your lawn and landscape healthy and happy please visit our website.

Contact our office today at 1-631-423-2211 or click here to schedule an appointment.