For most of us on Long Island, the time to winterize our sprinkler systems is now. The weather is cool, the days are shorter, and it rains 1-2x/week. The soil has sufficient moisture and does not lose much to evaporation. Lawns and landscapes do not require much water because they have either slowed their growth or they are no longer growing and are losing their leaves.

If you have an existing landscape, then I would not irrigate the remainder of the season. You are most likely wasting water. If you have a new landscape then you may need to water a few more weeks. I would end all irrigation at the beginning of November.

I strongly recommend that all irrigation systems be winterized by Mid November the latest. Due to weather being unpredictable and the likelihood of below freezing temperatures, I would not delay in having this very important service. Freezing temperatures cause water in irrigation components to freeze and crack pipe and fittings.

Please call Rain Rich at 631-423-2211 or email us at to arrange a convenient appointment.

Please note: the schedule is filling up fast! If possible, please close the main sprinkler valve in your home so that we may come and winterize your system if you cannot be home. Thank you!