Home/Fall/Why Should I Core Aerate My Lawn?

Why Should I Core Aerate My Lawn?

Today marks the first day of fall! Fall on Long Island is the time for improving your lawn. Golf courses, athletic fields, parks, and private residences all can benefit mightily from fall renovation of turf/lawns in the fall. The reason being is that grass loves the warm days and cool nights this time of year. Long Island grasses comprised of bluegrass, rye, and fescue are cool season grasses and rebound very well in September and October. In addition to the ideal weather conditions there is less competition from weeds and weed seeds. The time for core aeration is now! 

A proven method that has been researched, documented, and part of every professional lawn care company is core aeration. Core aeration provides many benefits including:lawn care

  1. Improving the health of your lawn by removing small plugs from your lawn and soil, size 5/8” wide by 3” deep, and allowing air, water, and nutrients to enter the root zone. The cores remain on the lawn and break down in one to two weeks which provides a benefit by top dressing the area and delivering additional nutrients.
  2. Core aeration relieves soil compaction. Soil compaction is hard compressed earth that makes it difficult for roots to grow and absorb water and nutrients. During hot weather the lawn becomes extremely stressed, susceptible to drought, disease, and ultimately death.
  3. Reduces thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead grass plants that accumulates over time and prevents remaining grass from growing and absorbing necessary nutrients.
  4. Improves soil biology. By opening up the soil we can introduce fertilizers, bionutrients, compost, humic acid, lime and other beneficial products. Introducing these products will provide nutrients, organic matter, increase pH, improve soil structure deep into the root zone where it is needed and absorbed.
  5. Reduces water run-off and the nutrients that travel with it.
  6. Improves seed germination by allowing seed to enter into and stay in contact with soil. Preventing it from washing away.

Rain Rich has the knowledge and expertise to provide you with a great lawn.

For a free lawn analysis and quote to renovate please call 631-423-2211  or click here.

By |2020-09-22T12:13:55-04:00September 22nd, 2020|Fall|Comments Off on Why Should I Core Aerate My Lawn?

About the Author:

Richard Silverman is the President and CEO of Rain Rich, a Huntington based Irrigation Company he started himself in 1982. He oversees sales and production, works with new clients to resolve issues, trains employees, and researches new services. He graduated from Stony Brook University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and received an Associate of Applied Science in Agriculture from Farmingdale University. He is certified as a Low Voltage Lighting Installer, EPA Water Sense Partner and Irrigation Designer.
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