November is a few days away and cold weather will soon follow. Are you ready? We are all busy with work and family and as a gentle reminder here are a few items to consider:

Sprinkler System. It’s time to have your sprinkler system winterized. Our crews are out and busy winterizing sprinkler systems on Long Island. Winterizing your sprinkler system now prevents freezing weather from damaging sprinkler heads, piping, and backflow device. Based upon past experience and typical November weather, it is very important that your system be winterized before Thanksgiving.fall

Landscape Lighting. In addition to winterizing sprinkler systems this is a great time to have your landscape lighting system designed and installed. The days are becoming shorter and with daylight savings time ending this weekend it will be dark at 5pm each day! Landscape lighting provides many benefits including safety and security. We also provide service to existing landscape lighting systems. This service includes cleaning fixtures, lenses, changing bulbs, changing lighting to energy savings LED’s, diagnosis and troubleshoot electrical problems, modernizing lighting controls to operate from your phone and tablet.

Holiday Lighting. Did you know that Rain Rich designs and installs holiday lighting systems? We have been designing and installing holiday lighting systems for many years. Our crews are very experienced in installing lighting on houses and trees with hundreds of systems installed over many years. We have all the proper equipment to safely install lights anywhere on your home and property. We are careful, neat, and detail oriented. After the holidays we take it all down, carefully wrap it, and store it for next season. Call for details and request a catalog.

Drainage Systems. Many of our clients experience water in their basements and flooding on their property. Water damage can sometimes cost thousands of dollars! Rain Rich has developed solutions to prevent this damage. These solutions include diverting water away from the house and installing catch basins. Rain Rich has successfully resolved these issues for many clients. Rain Rich provides free analysis and estimates. Please call for detail and arrange for free estimate.

Preparing for winter is not easy however with a little help from Rain Rich we can save you from future problems, time, and money! Please call 631-423-2211 or click here to arrange for a convenient appointment or free estimate.