Dear Valued Client,

We understand the growing concern surrounding coronavirus to our communities, and our hearts go out to all those that may be impacted. When we work with our clients and their families, their health and safety is our #1 priority.
Rain Rich is actively turning on sprinkler systems and providing service and repairs. We are doing our best to serve you and help you prepare for warmer weather. We are taking great care to stay healthy by frequently washing our hands, cleaning our tools and vehicles. I have instructed all Rain Rich employees to stay home if they are not feeling well or have been in contact with someone that has been exposed. While limiting risk, we are not limiting our service level to you. We are actively working, fully stocked, and ready to go!

Please understand that due to new rules our office staff has been reduced. Joanne is temporarily working alone and is answering all calls and emails. We hope to have Sue back to work as soon as possible. Please be patient as all calls and every email will be answered in the order in which they were received. For your convenience please email Joanne at

This event continues to evolve and I will be monitoring it closely. I will refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health agencies to determine the safest course of action for everyone.
As a small family owned company, myself and the staff of Rain Rich are committed to providing the utmost care to you and your family. Thank you for your trust and loyalty. The Rain Rich Team will continue to provide the best during these challenging times.

Richard Silverman